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Confirmation: congratulations, sayings and poems

Curved cross

Confirmation, along with Baptism and First Communion, is one of the three sacraments of Christian initiation. That is, with Confirmation one is fully received into the Church. It is the sacrament that confers the Holy Spirit. Only with it there is a living Church, since from now on one stands up for one's faith and spreads it with words and deeds. You can emphasize the importance of this sacrament in your greeting card with a personal congratulation, saying or poem. On our site you will find texts and templates for personal congratulations on Confirmation. We also give tips on how to design a greeting card and build it textually.

Confirmation gift ideas

Confirmation binds the young person into the Church as a full member. As a gift are suitable religious things such as a guardian angel, a cross, a chain with pendant or a Bible. An engraving or a dedication make it a lifelong memory.
In addition, you can also meet the demands of a young person. A monetary gift in conjunction with a greeting card is thus also appropriate. Of course, you can also present gifts that a confirmand wishes from the heart, such as a HiFi system, a special wristwatch, fancy clothes, etc..