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Texts for a birth announcement

Baby feet on white velvet

A child has been born and the overjoyed parents want to share their family happiness with all relatives, friends and acquaintances. A very special way of announcing the birth of a baby is offered by birth announcements in a newspaper.
The parents or grandparents can inquire first with the responsible advertisement admission and/or editorship, which formats and layouts for the birth announcement are possible - an impressive welcome greeting stands then nothing more in the way, except perhaps a suitable text.
And this is where this birth announcement design page would like to help you. At you will find sample texts and tips on how to announce the birth of your daughter or son.

Birth announcement design

You can design your birth announcement and welcome greetings in different ways. On the one hand, the parents or grandparents can publish their joy about the new earthling in a concrete birth announcement with all the important data.
. A little more imaginative are ads with a motto or wisdom as a hook. Also a poem to the birth is very suitable. Who dares it, can even write his own verse.
A birth announcement can also be designed funny and witty. For example, here would be the saying: "We have higher expenses and shorter nights, but for 3600 g more happiness." a nice introduction.
As you can see, in terms of design, you can be guided by your personal taste. The only important thing is that you do not forget any essential data about the baby.

What should contain a birth announcement

  • First name(s) of the child
  • Date of birth
  • Name of parents

further you can note
  • Birth weight
  • Birth size
  • Time
  • Place of birth (clinic, birth center)
  • Address
  • Name(s) of sibling(s)
  • Saying, poem or wish
  • Photo of the child

usually you can also find a graphic like
  • Stork
  • Rattle
  • Baby bottle etc.

Our design tip

Birth announcements become particularly interesting when in addition to the text, a photo of the little offspring is published. This is seen by everyone with pleasure and with interest. With the photo you should make sure that your baby is well shown off, unflattering shot names you better not use in a public birth announcement. Most newspapers also offer color ads. You could make the birth announcement for a daughter in pink and for a son in blue. Also the photo could be photographed in color, unfortunately a colorization in a newspaper is quite expensive.

Formulation of a birth announcement

✳ 28.02.20xx, 18.45, 3422g
Hospital St. Gunther

The happy parents
Julia & Florian Bauer

Sample Street 5, 55555 Sample Village

Hurrah he's here!

✳ 02/28/20xx, 4:13pm, 3520g.
Hospital St. Gunther

Kerstin & Michael Mustermann
Musterstraße 5, 55555 Musterdorf

We are very happy about the birth of our son.

Overjoyed we announce the birth of our
son and brother.

✳ 18.04.20xx, 02.41 o'clock, 51 cm, 3125g

Helga and Peter Gruber
with Nicole and Sabine

Finally daddy got reinforcement!

Sample Street 5, 55555 Sample Village

We have
... less money
... less space
... less sleep
... less free time ...

... but 3,130 grams more happiness!

Our daughter Hanna saw the light of day on 21 June 20xx at 14:12.

The happy parents

Manuela and Josef Bauer

✳ 03.03.20xx, 13.06, 3255g

Half a meter of happiness!

With Sabine and the grandparents we are happy about the birth of our daughter

Judith and Ernst Maurer

Sample Street 5, 55555 Sample Village

I am finally here!

My name is Katharina ...

... I was born on 30 May 20xx
... weigh 3,523 grams
... and am proud 53 cm tall.

My parents
Claudia and Erwin Meier
are very happy about my birth.

There will be hands to carry you
and arms in which you are safe
and people who show you without
show you that you are welcome!

✳ February 28. 20xx, 9.42, 3303g

Simone & Willi Fleischmann.
Sample Street 5, 55555 Sample Village

From now on at every step
two little feet go with you.

✳ 13 Ausust .20xx, 08.12 h, 3625g

We have had a son!

Martina and Klaus Neumeier.

There are moments in life that lose none of their magic even in their repetition!


✳, 17.15 h, 3420g, 51 cm

With Jonas we are very happy about the birth of our second son
Daniela and Werner Hagengruber

Some things start small,
some things start big.
But sometimes
the smallest is the biggest.

✳ 06/02/14 20xx, 22:04, 3330g

We are happy and grateful that you are with us now!

Your mommy Andrea and your daddy Florian.

Hooray, our little princess Laura-Karina is here!

Since 14. August 20xx at 15:43 o'clock
2.850 grams and 51 cm rob us
the sleep, but not the dreams!

The happy parents
Paula and Egon Augusting
with little brother Phillip

Birth congratulations, sayings and poems

Birth announcements can be framed with a secular saying or a Bible verse. But there is also the possibility that a poem for the birth is used in the announcement. Here there are romantic, sensitive and also humorous, funny verses. The choice of the birth poem is entirely up to you.
Both, sayings and poems for the birth, you will find on one of our pages, which deal with the topic "birth and parental happiness".
We would be very pleased if we can help you with the design of your birth announcement with texts and templates.

Small tip for birth announcement and birth card:

The content of the birth announcement can also be used for the birth card and baby card. The only difference is that the birth announcement is published in the local press, whereas the birth cards or baby cards are distributed directly to parents, family or friends.